Hello, it is long long time no blog. I`m staying Bundabereg nowm, there have a some fluet picking jib, In general traveler stay some backpacker and backpacker give for customer. I am lucky, I stay begin second days I got picking zucchini job. Almost OZ don`t like farm job that`s same Japan. Yung people go to city like a Stdony. Australian picker`s to becomeing less. And gavament made nice law to warking holiday peopole. That traveler work on some farm for 88 days, we can get anothere working holiday visa. When I get that visa that I can stay totaly two year. That called second working holiday visa. Almost stay in Bundaberg traveler, want secound working holiday visa. Me eithere.
I don`t know I stay here untill when. Around cristmas my fathere comeing in Australia, and before stay Bundaberg I stayed in Gold coast in Jon`s house. He is my friend`s friend. I like Jone I miss Jone. We spend on cristmas and new year at the Gold coast yheeeee.
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